
The time is now

The message to young people today is confused: they’re encouraged to be creative, innovative problem-solvers, adept at new ‘21st Century’ skills and yet most are judged throughout their formal education by standardised tests that assess few of these qualities.

For more than a generation, enlightened educators have seen the need for change. And industry 4.0 now demands it.

The need

Dr Suess

Four quotes that define the challenge


Despite the fact that personalised learning is the biggest buzzword in education today and despite efforts of many organisations seeking change in the system, almost everything in traditional education systems remains designed to ensure students receive the same exact standardised experience.

Todd Rose
Harvard Graduate School of Education


My examination board ask for two qualifications from my examiners: they are alive and they need the cash.

Anonymous UK senior examiner


Teachers are now leaving the profession in droves, their training wasted and their careers destroyed by overwork and a spirit-crushing regime of standardisation, testing and top-down control. The less autonomy they are granted, the more they are blamed for the failures of the system.

George Monbiot


Google is not an equal-opportunity fact finder, it supports those already in the know. Just as it usually takes money to make money, it takes knowledge to gain knowledge.

E.D Hirsch

We no longer need to settle for rigid standardised systems, because we have the technology to build systems that flex to individuals and support their personal journey.

Itza’s Learner Model is just such a system.

Hear from some of those who have inspired us

Steve Jobs

Ken Robinson

James Burke

Business has got the message...