
Our analytics and rewards

Itza’s production team works with educators, cognitive scientists and psychometricians to create content in a 12-stage process designed to evaluate independent learning and higher-order skills without standardised tests. Our analytics generate personal feedback, supporting learners to progress their understanding and build their skills.

We prepare Gen Z for the digital workplace by helping them become more curious, collaborative and independent learners. Our resources give them complete agency: they decide when to evaluate themselves and share their progress.

12 stage production process

Learning analytics

Using our analytics, our outstanding team of teachers and learning scientists build a holistic view of a young person’s independent learning.

  • How persistent are they?
  • Can they solve problems?
  • Can they discriminate?
  • Are they curious?
  • Do they practice and test their learning?
Independent learning evaluation

The 'Fit Bit' of Learning

We use our proprietary analytics to power fun, impact-focused rewards which validate a learner’s progress and connect them to the real world difference they can make.

They access their personal dashboard and monitor their own badges and credentials to share with parents or teachers - if they want to. Itza gives them the tools to take control of their learning.

ITZA dashboard

We do not monetise or share their data with anyone - there is no ‘Big Brother’ watching what they do. There is no one judging them or comparing what they do with others.

Impact Metrics

Itza aggregates individual data sets to deliver Impact Metrics that quantify the engagement and effectiveness of CSR initiatives for corporates and NGOs, with metrics which range from depth of understanding to offline activities completed.

Impact Metrics

Learn and Earn

Yakka is Itza’s digital currency. Learners are rewarded for consistent and effective learning - and they spend their Yakka in the Yakka Store. Full launch in mid 2022.

Yakka Store