
Enabling change

Almost all teenagers see tackling climate change and the preservation of the natural world as the defining issue of our time. Yet few are taught sustainability at school and there is no mainstream media aimed at them to give a clear, accurate and balanced understanding of the issues.

Case study

Learn to save our planet

Itza has teamed up with WWF in a long-term agreement to deliver multi-media learning resources that teach the science of sustainability to Gen Z at home and in school, using footage from various WWF/Netflix series including David Attenborough: A Life on our Planet.

Unbeknown to me the children are signed up and competing against each other - but as Head of Geography I seem to be the last to know! This is such a great initiative.
Teacher, Bucks

2021 Test – MVP launch 2022

By November 2022 WWF and Itza collaborated in two global tests of the Itza platform - 98,000 young people in 80 countries registered to take part in the WWF GLOBAL CHALLENGE - across the two online events around 53% - were aged 13 or over.

As a finale learners took part in a live quiz on their phones or laptops – testing what they had learnt over the previous month

What the learners thought

Live quizzing - with constant chat feedback

I like the way that they teach by games and videos but it is still very interesting. I also liked that there was a store.
WildBee8993, Sabah, Singapore

One ocean. Five journeys.

WWF Global Challenge

Who wants to be a Krillionaire

Whale evolution - the past head of science at Eton explains

What is Net Zero?

David Attenborough - Eat Better

Registered participants completed more than 22,000 hours of independent learning in their own time - all tracked by Itza. More than 507,000 quizzes completed and 13,000 badges and credentials earned.

Top 10% of learners spent an average of 5.6 hours online over the ten days outside of school hours.

Learn and Earn - the Yakka Store was successfully tested for both UK & India. Over 700 reward items redeemed by those who had achieved the Agent of Change credential.

Agent of Change Badges

Learners completed five badges to become an Agent of Change

Our children loved Itza and were really motivated by the Yakka system.
Teacher, Abingdon

A range of companies supported the initiative with promotion and prizes - all set for full launch in 2022. New Itza learners promoting a great cause - understanding the truth about climate change.

Learn to Save Our Planet

Itza is a connecting point to a generation that expects social purpose from those they buy from.

We provide Impact Metrics, accurate, personalised information on the effectiveness of CSR initiatives...
Anthony Bouchier - founder ITZA